Sunday, October 18, 2009

Even Bono is not a cool dad

English radio star Christian O’Connell writes in the Word:
I was interviewing Bono. Here he is, multi-millionaire, best friends with statesmen and – how many? – four or five kids. And I told him I thought there was no such thing as a cool dad and he said, “I totally agree with you.”

He had Jay-Z and Beyoncé staying the other week and you’d think any teenagers would think, “You rock!” But he goes into the kitchen to get another bottle of wine and there’s his daughter on the phone going, “Yeah, he’s in there now boring the arse off them about Africa probably.” And he was!


  1. Robert Smith (the other one)October 20, 2009 at 11:21 AM

    What do you mean, "even Bono"?

    Especially Bono.

  2. Imagine having Sting for a dad.
