Thursday, November 19, 2009

November in Paris

If you are lucky enough to be in Paris on 21 November, do go along at 2 p.m. to the bookstore at Paris Photo (C10 in the Carrousel du Louvre shopping centre near the Louvre at 99 rue de Rivoli). Wellington photographer Bruce Connew will be signing copies of his new book I Must Behave, from which the above image is taken.

According to Bruce’s website:
This work, which examines control, from simple self-restraint to government manipulation, and how it modifies behaviour, follows on from the 2007 surveillance project, I Saw You, and is the second in a series of three projects over three years, each examining a social/political theme.

1 comment:

  1. To my untrained eye, November in Paris does look a lot like Hamilton in Winter.
