Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Boys and girls are different

Who would have thought? But now we know for sure, thanks to Google. Dan Ariely of Predictably Irrational writes:
You know how Google sometimes “predicts” what you might be searching for by giving you a little drop down menu of suggested search queries? These suggestions, of course, are based on what other users frequently search. So I tried teasing out some gender differences.
Here is what girls wanted to know:

And here is what boys wanted to know:

Says it all, really. As does this clever-clogs comment at Marginal Revolution:
It is interesting how both of them mostly answer each other.
They so do.

Matt Nolan comments further.

Kiwiblog linked to the same story on 16 January – three days after this post – as did Dim-Post in response. Come on, David and Danyl – you guys really should try to keep up.


  1. That reminds me of a song, I'm not sure who wrote the it, but it comes from one of those free compilations you get with a music magazine...lyrics go..

    'What do I want?
    I want food and pussy
    Why do I want it?
    Cause it's the way God made me.'

    So there's another for the boy list. Possibly lost in translation but my, it really does deliver.
