Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Andrew Williams, leaky mayor

Cactus Kate tries to defend North Shore mayor Andrew Williams, but come on.

The three best things about this whole incident are:

1. Pete George’s comment on Kiwiblog:
At this time of supercityification in particular North Shore needs strong credible leadership. Williams hasn’t even learnt to delegate tree irrigation.
2. The first two words of paragraph five in the Sunday Star-Guardian front-page story:
By chance, the Star-Times observed Williams drinking barside at Takapuna’s GPK bar and restaurant around 10pm on Thursday.
“By chance…” In a story by Jonathan Marshall, former professional paparazzo?

3. It gives me an excuse show this photo of Andrew Williams shaving Rodney Hide’s head on 3 February 2009. Not Photoshop: it is reality photography.


  1. That looks like a rehearsal for 'Sweeney Todd'. I bet Williams would like a replay, with a cutthroat razor.

  2. Yes, I imagine so. And possibly Rodney would now like to swap places in the chair.
