Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Michael Moorcock on Sauron

Lewis Jones in the Spectator reviews a selection of Michael Moorcock’s short non-fiction, Into the Media Web, and notes his loathing of Star Wars, CS Lewis and especially Tolkein:
in “Epic Pooh” he writes that he is unconvinced of Sauron’s evil since “anyone who hates hobbits can’t be all bad”. 


  1. I laughed - its so true, we could be so over hobbits.

    I also recalled my favourite ever SF line, from Michael Moorcock: 'the skins of vinyls long since dead'.

  2. There eez a leetle book that might amuse:

    "The Roadkill of Middle Earth"

    by John Carnell & Tom Sutton- pub. 2001

    No, I never let my copy out of my house-
