Monday, July 30, 2012

Hedonism and Alban Berg

The children are in bed and my wife is at her book club so I can do what I want. Stratocaster abuse, drugs, hookers – you name it. So, hedonist that I am, I have an opera CD playing in the background while I do a bit more editing of a manuscript for a Major International Publisher. 

And this is the opera. The clip is a bit dodgy, copyright-wise, because it seems to be the entire opera, Lulu by Alban Berg, which is the same as my CD-set, starring Teresa Stratas as Lulu, Yvonne Minton as Grafin Geschwitz, Robert Tear as various chaps and the whole thing conducted by Pierre Boulez. I had no idea that this fantastic performance was available on DVD and I am sure that I will buy a legal copy of it eventually:

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