Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I am the walrus

Hear him sing, hear him roar, even hear him whistle – but can he dance?:

Danny Gawlowski reports in the Seattle Times:
Everyday is a smorgasbord of 100 pounds of fish including mackerel, herring, surf clams and squid for E.T. the walrus, who is one of the star attractions at the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium. The downside of his diet is, well, squid-breath. E.T. came to Point Defiance in Tacoma after Prudhoe Bay oil workers in 1982 found him as a starving orphan pup and gave him his movie star name because of the resemblance. Raised at the zoo, he now weighs about 3,500 pounds and just marked his 30th birthday. Here, staff biologist Amanda Shaffer feeds E.T.
Monitor: David Thompson via Arbroath

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