Friday, March 22, 2013

Waikato Times letter of the month: runner-up

Another drought-related letter, this time blaming gay marriage rather than PKE, as the winner did. From yesterday’s issue, 21 March:
God and the drought
I have a thought about the drought in this country, which affects our country at its grass roots.
Perhaps a contributing factor is the new marriage law proposed in Parliament.
The marriage between one man and one woman is foundational to the law of the universe.
If what I say causes anger and hatred to rise up in anyone, who incidentally is fearfully and wonderfully made, then perhaps they need to look at the root of their bitterness rather than violently impose their ideas on the rest of creation.


  1. I have a thought about Carol's thought.

  2. Carol must surely write for that great satirical blog, The Citizen:

  3. Oh Carol... I think you need to look at the root of your bitterness rather than violently impose your ideas on the rest of creation...

  4. I don't feel bitterness towards Carol, just a very deep sadness that so many are unable to respect that we are indeed wonderfully and fearfully made.... each and every EQUAL and UNIQUE one of us. This being so, we all deserve the right to freedom and respect.

    Bobby Besley Nelson NZ

    1. Shame she gives weed to other peoples children
