Monday, November 10, 2014

Crime wave in Cambridge #3

As mentioned here previously, people often ask me, “How do you find living in Cambridge, population 18,400, after living for so long in Auckland, population 1.5 million?”

Here is the police report from the 5 November issue of the Cambridge Edition:
Friday, October 31
A car travelling along Watkins Rd had an egg thrown at it, damaging the paint work.
Saturday, November 1
At about 10pm, there was an assault near the intersection of Duke and Victoria Streets. Police would like to hear from the victim who was assaulted in the incident. As yet, they have not come forward.
A young boy was reported to have been bitten by a dog while at Cambridge skate park. Anyone with any information is urged to contact Waipa District Council’s dog control officer.
Saturday, November 1-Sunday, November 2
Overnight, four letterboxes on Moore St and one on Christy Brown Pl were stolen. Police are asking anyone who hears any letterboxes being stolen to contact them through the 111 system so the offenders can be held responsible.
Sunday, November 2
A car struck a power pole on Kaipaki Rd. The driver, who was disqualified from driving at the time of the accident, was intoxicated and a blood test was taken.
A home at Lauriston Park retirement village was burgled. A heat-pump unit and a microwave were taken.

At least this week no compost was stolen.


  1. quote "Police would like to hear from the plural they victim who was assaulted in the incident. As yet, they have not come forward." unquote.
    This use of they to refer to a single person of unspecified sex is in common use .

    And I like this one
    " Police are asking anyone who hears any letterboxes being stolen to contact them" Its difficult to improve on, since probably the theft occurs at night so you don't see it.

  2. At least it was a heat pump and not a heart pump
