Sunday, February 8, 2015

Russell Brand, revolutionary

Previous posts here and here. And now this, from the 20 December issue of Private Eye:
In 2010 the media reported that Jemima Khan, associate editor of the New Statesman, socialite and daughter of the late tycoon Sir Jimmy Goldsmith, acquired Kiddington Hall, a ₤1.5m stately home in the north Oxfordshire. In fact she didn’t acquire it; a Cayman Islands company called Kidslane Ltd did. […]
The Cayman Islands company is owned, Khan’s accountant explains, “by a trust established by [her] father for the benefit of future generations of his family,” a classic inheritance tax-avoiding ruse for a wealthy non-dom. The terms of the trust “prevent capital being distributed…” However, “as a beneficiary of the trust [she is] able to live at Kiddington Hall”.
The Eye understands that Khan’s recent former boyfriend Russell Brand also lived for a time at Kiddington Hall. Indeed, he wrote a chunk of his anti-capitalist Revolution diatribe at the Cayman Islands-owned stately home funded by one of the 20th century’s most ruthless capitalists.

So here are the Beatles, “live” in 1968 with “Revolution”. Note the guitar parts: who plays the solo bits? The liveness of this clip is every bit as authentic as Brand’s status as an anti-capitalist revolutionary:

1 comment:

  1. Any time I watch a single vid of any of their live performances, and it's chills every time. The talent in one group is astounding. 
