Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Waikato Times letter of the week #71

From the edition of Monday 19 September. As always, spelling, punctuation, grammar and logic are exactly as printed in the Waikato Times.
Selfish, blind world
After the 1950s, when authority sold itself, the world has entered a stage of juvenility and following inherent problems.
Stating the obvious. Tried purchasing typewriter ribbons lately? Taken off the market. Syrian villages bombed after a recent race is broken. People making more money than they’ve ever seen in the current land and grab.
Is there a sense of lost sanity here?
These days being proved wrong is a form of victory. But watching the corrupt has become a pastime and even a form of dark collective pleasure. The world now is a blind, selfish brat. The vast majority of people are incapable of holding a conversation. And having a conversation with your fists is not really a conversation. Leave your kids alone and make your wife a meal occasionally.
Women, go and see a Tim Burton movie.
Peter J N Garland

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