Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sentence of the day

It defeats the whole purpose of an elephant, but in such an awesome way.
You so want to read the rest of this. You may do so here.


Phil said...

She's very very funny and original - stand-up for the blog generation. Who needs opinion columns from Noelle McCarty?

Keri H said...

Well, I rather like Noelle's opinions..."today is my birthday" is an acquired sense of humour (I think) and dwarf elephants have evolved several times (the last time they appeared in a blare of publicity was with the discovery of H.foresensis...giant rats & tiny elephants and humans with grapefruit-sized brains - what was there not to love!)

And - actually - elephanta of all known kinds shit copious amounts and just drop it where they stand...

Phil said...

Know-all Mccarthy I do find pretty dull.

She had an opinion piece on the op Ed page of the Herald on a Friday -where she took about 1,500 words to explain that she used to eat meat, but now she's a vegetarian, but she misses the taste of meat, but she doesn't want things to die for her dinner.