Monday, January 24, 2011

Listener paragraph of the week

In  the 29 January issue of the Listener, Bill Ralston writes in his excellent “Life” column about his rubbish disposal problems. For UK readers: this does not mean that his disposal problems are sub-optimal, just that he has problems with how he disposes of his long-term detritus. For US readers: we’re talking garbage. [Insert your own joke here.]

Anyway, this week Bill writes that he puts out a jumbo bin every year because the Auckland City Council’s bi-weekly collections are not enough to contain his annual output of rubbish [insert your own joke here] so at the end of the year he needs to do a major clear-out  and put out an industrial-size bin. And what happened this time?:
I discovered the author of this magazine’s Cultural Curmudgeon column [Hamish Keith] passing and peering into my jumbo bin. “Your rubbish isn’t as interesting as last year’s,” he said dismissively. Ever the critic.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Love it, love it.