Friday, May 21, 2010

Sentence of the day

If not of the week, month or year. From today’s PopBitch:
I named all my baboons Donald, and the friendly ones would jump on my shoulders and shit down my back.
Isn’t that splendid? The context is a long-running PopBitch question: who would win in a fight, a badger or a baboon? David Cameron ducked it, but not Noam Chomsky, Stephen Fry, Paul Weller, Alain de Botton or Alastair Campbell.

The full quote is:
I can help in the baboon vs badger debate, having been bitten several times in the course of being a lab technician by baboons, I can tell you it is like slamming your fingers in a car door really hard!

Another thing to take into consideration is that baboons are stronger than a 6ft+ man in the upper body. They also throw good punches and were always undoing my quarantine trousers.

I named all my baboons Donald, and the friendly ones would jump on my shoulders and shit down my back.

So. . . the baboon would piss on the badger. And then eat it.
Call me shallow, call me Ishmael, but I love PopBitch.

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